Elite Dangerous Insight

12 thoughts on “Elite Dangerous Insight”

  1. Comments are held for moderation (spam was bad), so don’t expect your reply to appear immediately.

  2. good timing as eddb is shutting down 😀
    also i have noted from previous usage that the database is skewed at times as it isn’t scrubbed of system states on the regular

  3. I can’t get this site to work anymore. The queries keep failing. Is it being maintained? It really has been a great resource in the past. Thanks.

  4. It works for me right now. If I can identify a problem, I’ll try to fix it 🙂

  5. Some days it works, other days it doesn’t. Hard to know. Below is what is returned when I search.

    Query a query…failed.


    Couldn’t find ref system “HR 1737”

  6. I tried with numerous system names, to make sure it wasn’t just isolated to the system I’m currently in.

  7. Understood, yeah it looks like the data are partially corrupted – some systems work and some don’t. I have reproduced the issue and will look into it.

  8. It’s them space bugs, HR 1737 is now Thargoid-controlled and reports (human) population of 0. This site pulls data from EDSM nightly dumps https://www.edsm.net/en/nightly-dumps, in particular the “Populated systems” dump. Well, HR 1737 is now technically not populated and it is indeed missing in the dump.

    I have reported the issue to EDSM, but it is technically a correct behavior, so temper your expectations. https://github.com/EDSM-NET/FrontEnd/issues/515

    If EDSM nightly dumps start including Thargoids controlled systems, I might have to update my side to process the new data correctly. In that case, let me know here 🙂

  9. Ok, so for now just make sure I’m not trying to search from a Thargoid controlled system and it should be fine, right?

    Thanks for looking into this.

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